Operating Systems:
Windows 7 32-bit Windows 7 64-bit
Detailed Description:
Acer Aspire 1830T laptop QUALCOMM 3G network card version 1.1.40 driver for Win7 released on 21th June 2010.
What's new:
1. Use the correct NDIS deregister function: NdisDeregisterDeviceEx. 2. Wait for the RxIRPs to be completed before cleaning up the queues. 3. Only send deregister WWAN indication in the DUN call QMI indication when the device state is WwanOn. 4. Correct DMS_SET_EVENT_REPORT TLVs. 5. Made changes the Authentication Algorithm: 6. Made changes for WLK 1.5 support
Supported Devices:
Qualcomm Gobi2000 HS-USB Mobile Broadband Device 9215